Type I [IDDM]

Type I [IDDM]

It is caused by absolute deficiency of insulin resulting from reduction due to destruction of pancreatic beta islet cells
Age of Onset: Early [below 40 yrs] Type of Onset: Abrupt & Severe. Weight: Normal Family History: < 20%, 50% chance in identical twins. Causes:
a) Genetic susceptibility.
b) Auto immunity.
c)Environmental factors:
It can thus be summarized by inter linking the 3 mechanisms described as --- Some ‘environmental factors’, initiates the ‘autoimmune destruction’ of B cells in ‘Genetically susceptible’ individuals.

Homoeopathic Role:
This disease is labeled as an incurable disease in the world, but these sweat pills kills the sweat disease by, revitalizing the body’s immunity power, and activates the B-cells of pancreatic islets cells to secrete insulin naturally and harmoniously.
In IDDM: By using effective homoeopathic medicines, blood sugar[diabetes] level can achieve a good control and also the complications can be prevented infection