Diabetic Foot

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic foot is a complication majorly seen in diabetic patients. Diabetic foot is defined as, there are ulceration of the lower limb associated with peripheral neuropathy
In this, there is loss of sensation & reduced blood flow causes ulceration.In that tissues death occurs & then less oxygen & blood supply cause gangrene.It is called as diabetic gangrene.Diabetic gangrene is a life threatening disease.
Complications of Diabetic foot:
Homoeopathic Approach
Homoeopathic medicines act like preventive for further complications.
These medicines will help & act at cellular level to decrease the resistance of glucose so that glucose can be absorbed through cell wall & sugar level decreased
It will stimulate B cells to produce insulin & sugar level is controlled.
If u start homoeopathic medicines in early stages of diabetes, it can be cured.
If you start medicines in early stage of diabetic gangrene, homoeopathic medicines have wonderful results for that.

Some of these conditions are:
Calluses and corns, that may develop due to abnormal alignment of the feet or abnormal gait
Fungal infections of the nails, which can appear as thickened, discolored, and at times brittle nails
Tinea pedis, or athlete's foot, a fungal infection of the skin of the feet
Hammertoes, or bent toes due to muscle weakness.
Bunions, or the angling of the big toe toward the second toe. The area of the bunion may become reddened and irritated, leading to callus formation.
Ingrown toenails